About M.E.

M.E. Content is helmed by M. Elizabeth Frels, an engaging and versatile wordsmith who has had the pleasure of putting her talents to the test in a variety of capacities.

Her love of the written word has sent her on a meandering and meaningful journey through nonprofit development departments, thesis adviser offices, bustling editorial newsrooms, dynamic marketing roundtables, and SEO content banks.

Her 15-year writing career has made her a master at brand execution and stewardship, no matter the project, proposal, event, or communique.

Elizabeth received her M.A. in Arts Management from American University in Washington, D.C. and her B.A. in Communication and Music from Trinity University in San Antonio, TX.

She resides in Denver, CO with her husband and two children. Her personal interests include international travel, pastry baking, book club, gardening, and music making.

Denver, CO 
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